Tag: Facebook

Defriending Dena, AZ Cards & the garbage can, elections, and nucular joolery relators

We are in a ranting sort of mood this week. Dena and Stu are making each other laugh – we hope it works over the internet. As we get close to primary election day in Arizona, we’re missing something in our early mail-in ballot envelope. And are you getting time-wasting, cell-minute-wasting calls? Be sure to leave us a comment below – and thanks!!

We’d love you to like us, plus a great movie you’ve never heard of

Hi! Hope you’ve got Mom’s day all taken care of, if you’re fortunate to have Mom or someone like her in your life. We’ll talk about a movie for adults that she’ll probably love, Avatar for Blueray novices, and why you should never ignore Dena. Enjoy! ~ stu