So What Is Big Shoe Stu Up To?

“Big Shoe” Stu Evans has let go of the hump and is no longer hanging on…again! On September 13, 2012, the nice folks at CBS Radio Phoenix informed us that they were “going in a different direction”, and that it was time to dismount the KMLE one more time.
Hey, not counting that last 19-month hiatus, it was a great 23 year ride, and that’s impressive in just about any career, let alone show business. Who do we have to thank? YOU. We’ve had some of the most interesting loyal listeners and friends anyone could hope for. And of course, a preposition is a terrible thing to end a sentence with.
We’ve gotten together for countless charity events, bar nights, beg-a-thons (we mean membership drives) for Arizona Public Television, concerts, school visits, and just about any other excuse to meet. We’ll still see each other on KAET (EIGHT) TV every now and then. And you’ll be hearing occasional bits of Stu for various clients like Ft. McDowell Casino, The Phoenix Open, Shooter’s World , and others.
Here’s something fun!
Dena Fox and Stu are planning on firing up the microphone here online within the next few days. We’ve been trying to get that going for about two weeks, and we keep getting pushed back. We’ll let Dena explain why. Watch this space for that.
Follow the really Big Shoe…
Follow Big Shoe Stu on Twitter @BigShoeStu and “like” us on Facebook. The comments we’ve been getting, without most people really knowing what’s going on, have been really great and so appreciated.